Advanced Laser Boat Handling
PURCHASEWe have learned a lot working with hundreds of Laser sailors, including 17 who participated in the last Olympic games.
In our first DVD, Advanced Laser Boat Handling we attempt to answer all the questions sailors of all levels usually ask us during our coaching clinics. Including three medal winners in the last Olympic games.
Tacks, Jybes, Windward mark rounding, Leeward mark rounding, and Penalty turns , are shown in slow motion,
from different angles including close ups from on board cameras . Over 50 minutes of detailed explanation, each maneuver is sliced to easy to follow segments.
Tillerman ends his detailed review on the Proper course Blog by stating: “ The Advanced Laser Boat Handling DVD is available for US$49.95... I would probably have paid even more for it; it's that good.