Axis SPITFIRE 1180



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The Spitfire 1180 is the result of extensive development to bring a bigger Spitfire to market for the big guys and those riders whose local spots offer more marginal conditions. Spitfire 1180 diverges from the rest of the Spitfire family with an increased camber of 2.75% (More curve that creates lift. The other Spitfires and ART PRO’s are 2.5%) - the result:

•⁠  ⁠a very well-balanced foil

•⁠  ⁠⁠foils up easily and feels comfortable immediately 

•⁠  ⁠lift distribution is equal at speed and during acceleration

•⁠  ⁠a quick and predictable recovery from breaches and tip-outs

•⁠  ⁠⁠turns very nicely and smoothly

•⁠  ⁠⁠has remarkable low-end and prolonged slower-paced glide 

The Spitfire 1180 is a great wing for those getting into down-winding. It doesn’t need to run as fast as the ART PRO 1201 or 1401 making it easy to stay on the bump. Turning and control are amazing for such a large wing, making downwind riding achievable for almost everyone.  We feel it’s exactly the right time for this foil, offering a less torturous in-road on the downwind journey.

As a dock and pump wing, the Spitfire 1180 is easy and forgiving to start, fun and surprisingly nimble to play with, and as such, is rapidly becoming a favorite among our dock starting and pump team riders.

The Spitfire 1180 is a light-wind wing foiling and small/weak wave SUP weapon. It has easy lift and is user-friendly, it shares the same easy predictable nature that has made the rest of the Spitfire range so popular in all disciplines, and now the bigger guys can enjoy them too.  

For the wake crew, the Spitfire 1180 can ride any wake from the 1st to the 10th and will be a go-to for the larger guys.


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Buy Axis SPITFIRE 1180 in NZ.

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9.00am - 5.00pm Mon to Fri
9.00am - 1pm Saturday


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